Message Boards | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Message Boards

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Message Board Description

When renting a message board, you first have to think about what you need the sign to be able to do. Do you need it to offer graphics, or do you only need text? How large of a sign do you need to get the messages out there? The controls should also be something you consider. The easier it is to use the better. One of the other things you will want to check is whether the signs are compliant with the standards in your area as well as with the state and federal regulations.

Features of message boards

Many of the message boards today have their own onboard operating system and computer, so you will not need to have a laptop to operate them. You can put in the information right into the sign and it will be ready to go. The controls are easy to use. The message boards have some preprogrammed messages and graphics in many cases. Most of the time, these will be able to cover most of your scenarios. Some of the units have internal clocks, which makes it possible to program them to play certain messages at different times of the day.

How message boards work

message board rentalThe message boards are usually on a trailer with wheels on it, so it is relatively easy to put them in place. Most vehicles will be able to tow them into place with little trouble. You are able to program the messages that you want for the signs very easily, and then they will show up on the board. Some of the boards allow for different types of messages, including graphics.

About message boards

You’ve probably seen plenty of these on the side of the road in your day. These large message boards, typically attached to trailers, can provide drivers with important information and messages while they are on the road. For example, they may tell the driver that there is traffic ahead, if one of the lanes is closed or even that there is an Amber Alert. They are useful for communicating many different things through words and through graphics. Some of the signs even use lighted versions of traditional construction signs.

Message Board Applications

  • Traffic control
  • Traffic safety
  • Impart important messages to drivers

Message Board Manufacturers

  • Solar Tech
  • Wanco
  • RU2 Systems
  • Ver-Mac 
  • Addco

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