Thermo Fisher Scientific Lindberg Laboratory Oven | Lease/Finance or Buy

Thermo Lindberg/Blue M 1100C Tube Furnace, .3 Zone 110

Product Specifications
BRAND  Thermo Fisher Scientific
MODEL  Lindberg
Lindberg Blue M 100C Solid Tube Furnace .3 Zone 110
Performance Features:
Three zones, three programmable controllers (one for each zone) Microprocessor-based self-tuning PID control (proportional, integral, derivative) provides optimum thermal process without overshoot Single program with multiple segments for ramp (up/down) and dwell (timed hold) temperature control Adjustable high-limit overtemperature protection Simultaneous LED display of temperature and setpoint in C or F Design Features Flexible design can be used for a variety of applications Innovative use of venting and insulating air spaces create lower exterior surface temperatures Moldathermル insulation for quick heatup and cooldown Long-life Type K thermocouple Accepts an array of tube adapters; one set of (2) tube adapters included.

Additional Information:
  • Manufacturer:    Thermo
  • Voltage:    208/240V
  • Features:    Three-zone prgrammable controllers (single program with 16 segments), includes two tube adapters (diameters 3 - 6 inches).
  • Capacity:    9 / 18 / 9 inch heated zone
  • Control:    LED display
  • No. Programs:    Single program with 16 segments
  • Unit Dimensions:    16 x 54 x 22 inches

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