Fluke 1625 Kit Ground Resistance Tester | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Fluke 1625 Kit Ground Resistance Tester

Fluke 1625 Kit Ground Resistance Tester
Product Specifications
MAX OHMS > 100k
MAX OHMS > 100k
TYPE 4-Point
TYPE 4-Point
The Fluke 1625 Kit is the advanced earth ground tester that performs all four types of earth ground tests and includes features that give quicker and more accurate readings.

  • 4-pole earth ground measurement
  • 4-pole soil resistivity testing
  • 2-pole resistance measurement AC
  • 2- and 4-pole resistance measurement DC
  • Selective testing, no disconnection of ground conductor (1 clamp)
  • Stakeless testing, quick ground loop testing (2 clamps)
  • Earth impedance measurement at 55 Hz
  • Automatic frequency control (AFC) (94, 105, 111, 128 Hz)
  • Measuring voltage switchable 20/48V
  • Programmable limits, settings
  • Continuity with buzzer
  • Display Range: 0.001 Ω - 299.9 kΩ

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