Roll-N-Lift Dollies | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Roll-N-Lift Dollies

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Roll-N-Lift Dolly Description

One of the things to consider is the width of the dolly. These tend to come in two basic sizes. There is the standard size, which should not have any trouble when it comes to fitting through doorways and down hallways. They also have a wider version that is able to deal with heavier and larger loads. Make sure that you are choosing a roll-n-lift dolly that is able to meet your lifting needs. Before submitting your request for quotes on KWIPPED, know how much you need to be able to lift and always make sure that your dollies meet or exceed this capacity. In addition, think about the wheels and rollers mentioned earlier. Make sure that you have or request rollers that will not damage your floors.

Features of roll-n-lift dollies

The system comes with two dollies, both of which have hydraulics to make lifting the equipment easy. The dollies also have wheels on them. The wheels are available in different types. Some are hard, while others are softer and add more floor protection. For floors that are not sensitive, they may have steel and semi-steel options available.

How roll-n-lift dollies work

The dollies feature forks on them, and it is possible for you to adjust the width of the forks to accommodate your particular load. The forks will go beneath the load and then you can use the hydraulic handle to raise the load off the ground. Don’t use a dolly to lift a load that’s too heavy, or else it could damage them. Once the load is off the ground and you have your dollies on both sides, it’s easy to move the load around. Just make sure you have some straps and tie downs to make sure it doesn’t move at all. One of the things that you need to think about when you are moving the load is the length, as it can make it a bit more difficult to make some turns.

About roll-n-lift dollies

roll-n-lift rentalThe roll-n-lift dolly is actually a set of two dollies that work in concert with one another. They excel at moving items that have a rectangular shape, such as a refrigerator or a cabinet. These types of dollies are used to move server cabinets, safes, electric panels, and much more.

Roll-N-Lift Dolly Applications

  • Warehouse
  • Factory
  • Office
  • Moving cabinets, servers, refrigerators, and more.

Roll-N-Lift Dolly Manufacturers

  • Wesco
  • Anderson

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