Chain Hoists | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Chain Hoists

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8 Chain Hoist Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Chain Hoist Description

Chain hoists are very handy tools to have around, and can help you in a number of different situations. When you are choosing the right one to rent, you need to think about just how much you are going to need to lift, as well as where you will be lifting the item. These chain hoists are very helpful in a number of different scenarios, but you need to make sure that you have a lift that’s able to meet all of your needs. A KWIPPED supplier will be happy to answer any product specific questions you might have about your chain hoists. 

Features of chain hoists

chain hoist rental Different types of chain hoist lifts have different features. The pneumatic and electrical lifts have various control panels with them. The hand chain hoists are equipped with two chains, a hand chain and a lift chain. They can lift between a quarter ton and 50 tons, while many of the level pullers can lift between a quarter ton and nine tons or more.

How chain hoists work

While the method of lift for the hoist – manual, pneumatic, and electric – might vary, the basic concept of how the system works is the same. It will use the gears and wheels in the hoist to multiply the force and make lifting and lowering even very heavy loads nice and easy. With an electric or pneumatic hoist, you will use the controls on the machine to lift the load. With a manual chain hoist, you will find two different options – level pullers and hand chain hoists. The lever pullers, or ratchet hoists, can lift and pull items during the rigging process. Hand chain hoists are a good option for those who are on a budget and who still need to lift heavy loads.

About chain hoists

A chain hoist is a type of device that you can use for lifting or lowering a load using a drum or lift-wheel and a chain. There are a number of different types of chain hoists available today, including those that you will operate manually, pneumatically, or electrically.

Chain Hoist Applications

  • Construction
  • Maintenance
  • Precision lifting

Chain Hoist Manufacturers

  • JET
  • Roughneck
  • Ingersoll
  • R&M
  • CM
  • Harrington
  • Lift Tech
  • Dresser
  • ACCO Wright
  • Chester

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