Water Trucks | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Water Trucks

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57 Water Truck Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Water Truck Description

Your choice of a water truck depends on the amount of water you need to haul and how you would like to release it from the tank.  You may need a smaller truck if you have a tight worksite.  The suppliers in the KWIPPED network have a variety of water truck sizes available for rental.

Features of water trucks

Water trucks have a cab where the operator sits; the controls are located there.  The large tank will have an average of 6 pumps/spray heads, two on the front of the tank, two on the back, and one on each side.  Water can be released slowly from the tank or ejected with great force.  Trucks will have fill gauges and shut off arms on the tank.  Ladders on the back give the operator to access the top of the tank.

How water trucks work

The water truck is filled through an opening in the top of the tank.  The truck is driven to the worksite where water is pumped, dumped, or sprayed out of the tank.  Water trucks have tanks that hold 1,000-over 4,000 gallons of water.

About water trucks

Water trucks are large tank trucks used to haul and spray water.  They are also called water tankers.  Water trucks are most commonly used for dust control in construction and mining operations.

Water Truck Applications

  • Mining
  • Dust control
  • Fire protection/prevention
  • Construction
  • Filling swimming pools
  • Farming/irrigation

Water Truck Manufacturers

  • Caterpillar
  • Ford
  • Kenworth
  • Knapheide
  • Mack
  • Peterbilt

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