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Power Quality Analyzers

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Power Quality Analyzer Description

Before renting a power quality analyzer, you should have a basic understanding of the electrical network you are testing and what reports or documentation you are required to deliver.  Generally speaking, you will either need a 3 phase analyzer or a single phase analyzer.  3 phase analyzers have single phase capabilities, but single phase analyzers do not have 3 phase capabilities.  Also, power quality analyzers tend to differ in their data logging capabilities.

Features of power quality analyzers

Power quality analyzers can measure 3 phase or single phase systems.  They offer real time analysis of power consumption, as well as  data logging ability.  They can make active and reactive power measurements, help to identify power harmonics and with the help of accompanying software, can create reports and graphs for documentation purposes.  Power quality analyzers a light weight, portable and designed to be intrinsically safe.

How power quality analyzers work

Power harmonicsPower quality analyzers measure a number of different electrical parameters including voltage, amperage, frequency, changes in voltage, power factor, surges and flickers.  They can also be used to measure power demand and power consumption by a device, machine or building. 

Often times the power consumed by a device varies based on the device's need or load, resulting in power harmonics.  Harmonics appear when varying loads create short dips or swells in current that alter the constant sinusoidal waveform that is supplied by the electrical utility.  Similar to wave action at the beach, harmonics can create large pulses of power that could damage sensitive equipment.  Power quality analyzers can help identify harmonics and their sources.


About power quality analyzers

A technician using a power quality analyzer in the field.Not all power is created equal.  Machines and systems are often affected by the quality of power that is delivered by the electrical utility.  A power quality analyzer is an instrument that is used in the set-up, maintenance and diagnoses of electrical networks to assure  power conforms to desired standards. 

Electricity could have variations (sags and surges) in voltage, disruptions of service, or harmonic distortions.  Equipment or networks need to be compatible with the power that is provided.  A power quality analyzer will help to determine what is needed to condition the power to meet site requirements or how a machine or network should be designed in order to accommodate power quality issues.

Power can be adversely affected by other customers on a shared utility grid or a result of faulty wiring or incorrect grounding inside your own building.  A power quality analyzer will identify why power may be causing issues for your network.

Power Quality Analyzer Applications

Measurement and/or detection of:
  • RMS voltage and current
  • Frequency
  • Active power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor
  • Power demand
  • Harmonic analysis
  • Peak voltage and current
  • Voltage swells, voltage dips, and voltage interruptions
  • Inrush current
  • Transient overvoltage
  • K factor
  • Total harmonic distortion ratio

Power Quality Analyzer Manufacturers

  • Fluke
  • Hioki
  • Yokogawa
  • AEMC Instruments
  • Extech Instruments

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