HiPot Testers | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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HiPot Testers

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HiPot Tester Description

First, decide which type of hipot test is appropriate for your project.  A breakdown test is usually done on samples or prototypes; the device will be unusable once the breakdown occurs.  Leakage testing is useful for finding flaws, defects, and weaknesses in your product.  Your KWIPPED network supplier will assist you in determining the quality standards you need to meet. Read our KWIPPED Tip article on how to rent or lease a hipot tester by clicking here.

Features of hipot testers

The three components of hipot testers are a source of high voltage, a current meter, and a method of connecting the voltage source and current meter to your circuitry.  Many hipot testers also come with a digital display unit to monitor test results.

How hipot testers work

Hipot testers send voltage through circuitry and test the current in order to discover flaws in the insulation.  High voltage is used to determine if the insulation can withstand it; if it survives the extra voltage, the circuitry under test is safe for everyday use.  Be sure to use safety precautions when working with electrical current and equipment.  Ground all contacts, then test only one at a time.  Be sure to discharge your devices under test before handling.

There are three common hipot tests:
            1.  The dielectric breakdown test in which voltage is increased until the insulation breaks down in order to determine the breaking point.
            2.  The dielectric withstand test in which a standard test voltage is used and leakage through the insulation is measured.  This leakage must remain below a standard limit.
            3. The insulation resistance test, which uses direct current as the test voltage, the DC applied and current leaked are measured, and the resistance of the insulation is calculated.

About hipot testers

The quality of electrical insulation is tested through a process called hipot testing; hipot is an abbreviation for high potential.  Hipot tests are also known as Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV) tests or Dielectric Strength tests.  These tests are run on appliances, cables, wires, transformers, and other electronic equipment.

HiPot Tester Applications

  • Electrical
  • Manufacturing
  • Laboratory
  • Maintenance
  • Quality control
  • Safety

HiPot Tester Manufacturers

  • Extech
  • Hipotronics
  • Megger
  • Mitchell
  • Vitrek

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