Cable Locators | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Cable Locators

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Cable Locator Description

You have a number of choices when it comes to renting a cable locator. When choosing a device, make sure that it is the right type of unit to find the type of cable that you are trying to trace. Most of the devices are multipurpose and can work for different types of cables, but make sure before you choose one. In addition, consider some of the onboard features and the readouts. Choose a locator that is going to be as easy as possible for your workers to use. You may also want to check some reviews to find out which units are the most accurate.

Features of cable locators

The underground cable locator features two basic parts, a transmitter and a receiver. The devices are capable of working on a number of different frequencies – from less than a single KHz all the way up to 480KHz. The devices also tend to have high quality handles and readouts today, which make it easy to use and understand. Different cable locators will have slightly different features, naturally. However, they all tend to work in a very similar manner, so you should not have much trouble going from one to another.

How cable locators work

cable locator rentalsThe cable locators of today actually work on the same principal as the ones that have been in use for decades. The transmitter puts an electrical signal into the cable that they need to trace, and then the receiver is able to pick up that signal. This lets the user follow the path of the signal and know exactly where the cable is. The device works the same way for all different types of cables and lines that it might need to find.

About cable locators

If you need to locate underground cables, then renting a cable locator is just what you need to do. Before digging into the ground, you need to know exactly what’s down there in terms of cables. Digging into a power line can be extremely dangerous, for example. A high quality cable locator will ensure you find the cables and that you can mark their locations. They are useful for locating many different types of utility lines including sewer, telecommunications, power, gas, water, and more.

Cable Locator Applications

  • Telecommunications lines
  • Power lines
  • Gas lines
  • Water lines
  • Sewer lines

Cable Locator Manufacturers

  • Rycom Instruments
  • Fluke
  • Greenlee

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