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Intra-Oral Cameras

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56 Intra-Oral Camera Suppliers
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Intra-Oral Camera Description

Given the fact that there are so many types of these cameras available, you will have to consider what will work best for your clinic and your patients. Some of the cameras may have special features that could make them more functional and useful for your needs, so always compare exactly what each of the intra-oral cameras you are considering can offer.

Features of intra-oral cameras

The cameras designed to be used in dental offices feature probe covers, or disposable probes, which are used to ensure cleanliness and to eliminate the spread of germs from one patient to another. The most common form of intra-oral camera in the dentist’s office today looks like a wand. This makes it lightweight and easy for the dentist to handle and get a good recording of the mouth with plenty of maneuverability. It is also small and easy on the patient.

There are many different design options when it comes to these cameras. You can find those that are corded and those that are wireless.
They often have LED lighting, which can help to provide a clear and accurate image or video. They may have variable focus, magnification, attachments to get closeups of a single tooth, and more. Some will have foot switches to capture images, while others may have fingertip capture.

How intra-oral cameras work

Dentists will often make use of intra-oral cameras today rather than using mirrors, which were common in the past. These cameras first came to use in 1989, and most dental offices make use of them today because they are so convenient and can provide far more information. Rather than merely seeing the inside of the patient’s mouth, the dentist can take images and video of the mouth, which can they can place into the patient’s records and then refer to later.

About intra-oral cameras

In addition to the dentist learning more about the patient’s teeth, he or she can also use the video or images from the camera to teach the patient. They can show the patient exactly where the problem lies, and why certain areas are going to need treatment. When the patient can see this, they are often more likely to agree to the treatment the dentist recommends.

Intra-Oral Camera Manufacturers

Intra-oral cameras are made by many manufacturers around the world today. Some of the companies well-known for making these devices include NSE, Runyes, SyncVision, AMD, Gendex, Schick, Acteon, LED Dental, Being, Suni, and RF Systems.

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