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Dental Lasers

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53 Dental Laser Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Features of dental lasers

A typical dental laser will include either a crystal, gas, or solid semiconductor to activate the laser. Equipped with the lasers are features that are used to stimulate waves of light, that is non-radioactive and can replace traditional and more invasive procedures. The technician can deliver the laser energy through a simple push of the button, making it easy for dentists to use. There is support for the high learning curve available to help offices upgrade to this more advanced system. 

How dental lasers work

The laser produces light of a single color, with each wave being identical in size and shape. This laser light can interact with tissue in a way that can help to reduce inflammation, make incisions, or more. Dental offices prefer to use dental lasers due to the ability to pinpoint the area that needs treatment precisely. When used accurately, the dental lasers can even remove small cell layers at a time. This is highly advantageous over more traditional types of treatment, in which cutting and removing flesh is typically involved. Lasers that are directed to the enamel even have a great opportunity to strengthen the bonding of the enamel’s chemicals, which help to protect and reinforce the tooth in the long run.

This is why dental lasers are often used for cosmetic as well as restorative dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening, tooth bonding, cavity filling, and more. The advantage of dental lasers comes in the form of less pain and irritation for the patient, and more accurate healing for the procedure. 

About dental lasers

Dental lasers are used to reduce pain and increase accuracy during a procedure. The patient can feel more comfortable during a dental laser treatment, as they help to reduce anxiety in areas that would otherwise require some form of invasive treatment. Dental lasers are a relatively new development in dental technology, but they have been around for long enough to be desirable by most dental offices. They are typically used to remove diseased or decayed areas of the tooth, remove cell layers from flesh, or help to whiten teeth and strengthen enamel. They require less surgical preparation than traditional procedures do, and often reduce anxiety for the patient.

Dental Laser Manufacturers

  • Fona
  • DenMat
  • Yoshida
  • Creation
  • Garda Laser
  • DMC
  • Dentsply Sirona
  • Gigaa Laser
  • Dentas
  • Doctor Smile
  • Syneron Dental Lasers

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