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Delivery Systems

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16 Top Equipment Lenders
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We have equipment rentals and leases for all your dental needs

Delivery System Description

​The ability to function smoothly in the dental environment is the primary decision point when choosing a delivery system that works right for you. ​It is important to find a position that benefits the dentist, the assistant, and the patient all at once. The professionals must consider where their hands will be during the course of the procedure or treatment, and having easy access to tools is essential for procedure success. Watch out for the placement of certain delivery systems, and make sure that the patient’s feet don’t get tangled in the cords, and the tools can be easily accessed by the dentist or the assistant without tripping or stumbling over any obstacles.

Features of delivery systems

There are multiple types of delivery systems available, and the preferred type depends on the assistant’s needs. Delivery systems often deliver syringes, handpieces, dental instruments, suction tools, tooth gels, and more. The hygienist or assistant should be able to use a delivery system without needing to shift their field of vision while constantly maintaining a watch on the patient and all operations. Delivery systems can be installed in the rear of the chair, on the side of the chair, over the patient’s body, or over the patient’s head. 

How delivery systems work

Delivery systems are designed to make access to essential tools and instruments easier, but having the cords in the wrong place can complicate the operations in the office. Delivery systems are vital to the functioning of any procedure or checkup and must be in accordance with the way the office is set up. Delivery systems are units that involve a tray, which is attached to a movable arm. This arm can swing over the patient, at the rear of the chair, or on the side of the chair. These are the three most common positions for a delivery system. Delivery systems typically work to make the small office space more practical, and the tools more accessible. 

About delivery systems

Delivery systems are responsible for the way a dental office functions, and deciding on how tools and medications get delivered to the patient can impact the overall functioning of the dental office. 

Delivery System Manufacturers

  • A-dec, Inc.
  • Beaverstate Dental Systems
  • Belmont
  • Biotec
  • DCI Equipment
  • DentalEZ Group
  • Engle Dental Systems
  • Forest Dental Products, Inc.
  • Marus
  • Midmark Corp.
  • Pelton & Crane
  • Planmeca USA
  • Proma
  • Summit Dental Systems
  • Westar Medical Products, Inc. 

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