Smoke Machines / Foggers | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Smoke Machines / Foggers

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72 Smoke Machines / Fogger Suppliers
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Smoke Machines / Fogger Description

Foggers and smoke machines can be used in a wide variety of situations. Those who are having a concert or a dance might find that you can add to the experience. Of course, it can also be a nice addition for parties around Halloween time. Some may even want to use these machines outside of their home on Halloween as a means to create a spookier atmosphere for the trick-or-treaters. A number of DJs like to utilize these devices as well, as it can provide some added visual interest to their performance.

Features of smoke machines / foggers

Features of Smoke Machines and Foggers
There are a number of different type in size smoke machines and foggers on the market today. They have different features and functions as well. Some of the foggers are very small and lightweight, which means they can be moved around the venue quickly and easily. They tend to have controls, so it is easy to use them even when the lighting conditions are not ideal, as is often the case in locations where these are used.

Some of the high-end smoke machines and foggers are a bit more complex. They have a variety of different functions, and control panels and LCD screens where it is possible to make adjustments to their speed and their output quickly and easily.

Smoke Machines / Fogger Applications

As you get ready to choose the smoke machine or fogger that you want to rent, it pays to understand exactly what you want to rent it for and how much space you need to fill with the smoke. In some cases, such as those that have to fill large venues, you may need to have more than one of the machines. Always look at the tank capacity, the heat up time, and the maximum output of the various machines to find the one (or several) that you will need.

In addition, you will want to make sure that you buy the elements needed to actually make the fog and to chill it. If the fog is not chilled properly, it will rise. Ideally, it will be chilled enough that it stays lower to the ground or floor.

Smoke Machines / Fogger Manufacturers

Some of the popular manufacturers making fog machines and smoke machines today include ADJ, Chauvet, Antari, American DJ, Blizzard, Hurricane, Rosco, and Eliminator.

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