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Slates & Timecodes

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Slates & Timecode Description

Are you creating a video production? If so, then you will certainly want to consider getting a slate and timecode device, since it can make synchronizing the audio and video much easier. When you are choosing a device to rent or lease make sure it has the features you want, including the sections needed for your production. For example, you may want to choose a clapper that has the digital timecode embedded. Others may want to write in the information as the filmmakers of the past would do.

Features of slates & timecodes

The features of a typical slate will include the clapperboard, as well as several sections where the filmmaker can write in certain key information, which they can later erase. Some of the sections on these slates include the name of the production, the roll, scene, take, director, camera, date, and whether it is day or night. In addition, some of the options today also have a digital timecode embedded in them.

How slates & timecodes work

The slates and timecode help to synchronize the sound and picture in film and video. They are used to designate particular scenes of a film. The slates have audio and video elements to them to help the filmmakers and editors. They show the actual timecode of the film and can synch to the audio. In the past, the "clapper" sound would be heard on the audio and would be easily seen on film. The editors only had to match up the two. It is even easier now.

About slates & timecodes

Slates have been an important part of the film production business since the dawn of film. In the past, they would write out the information and timecode onto the slate, and the editors would then use that information when they were cutting together the film. Today, things have changed, and they are far more advanced. Many filmmakers utilize digital slates and timecode devices which help to make it easier than ever to record and edit film properly. Another term commonly used for this device is a clapperboard.

Slates & Timecode Applications

  • Filmmaking
  • Interviews
  • Music videos
  • Television

Slates & Timecode Manufacturers

  • Elvid
  • Pearstone
  • Alan Gordon Enterprises
  • Birns & Sawyer Economy Production
  • Delta

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