Shotgun Microphones | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Shotgun Microphones

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Shotgun Microphone Description

When renting a shotgun microphone for your project, consider the type of camera you have, as well as the type of recording device you will be using. Make sure that it will work well with the shotgun microphone that you want to rent. Always try to choose a quality and known manufacturer when renting, as it can play a large part in the quality of the sound that you are able to record.

Features of shotgun microphones

A shotgun microphone, since it will often attach directly to the camera, will have a mounting shoe that makes it easy to hook up to the camera. It goes into the same spot that the flash or other lighting for a camera might mount, In addition, the microphone features a windscreen. This helps to reduce the amount of unwanted sound, and actual wind, that the device picks up.

How shotgun microphones work

A shotgun microphone is often mounted right onto the camera, although it could also be mounted to a pole. This type of microphone features slots along the top, as well as along the side. The slots on the microphone help it to pick up sound from in front of the microphone. A windscreen placed onto the microphone can help cut down outside sounds that you do not want in the finished product, which can make editing easier. Using these types of microphones rather than the on board microphone produces better quality sound.

About shotgun microphones

A shotgun microphone is a versatile type of microphone that can be helpful in a number of situations, particularly for those who are shooting video and who want to have high quality audio to accompany it. It is a directional microphone that will record sound that is coming toward, or into, the microphone. They tend to do a good job of blocking out other surrounding sounds, which is why they are such a popular option for video projects

Shotgun Microphone Applications

  • Short films
  • Independent feature films
  • Documentaries
  • Interviews

Shotgun Microphone Manufacturers

  • Shure
  • Rode
  • Polsen
  • Sennheiser
  • Audio-Technica

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