Condenser Microphones | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Condenser Microphones

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Condenser Microphone Description

If you are looking to rent or lease a condenser microphone, consider the application you will need it for first. Make sure that a condenser is the right choice, and then look at the various features on different models to ensure it will be the best for your recording needs.

Features of condenser microphones

A number of different types of condenser microphones are available. Some of the models utilize standard microphone connections that are perfect for in-studio use. Other microphones feature USB connections, which will connect right to the computer for easy recording. Some condenser microphones are even suitable for live performance. Many of the microphones will have a mute button, as well as volume and gain controls. Some microphones have desktop stands that come with them, while others will need to attach to a traditional microphone stand.

How condenser microphones work

A condenser microphone works by using capacitors that convert energy, as mentioned. The capacitor, called a capsule, is a passive electronic component that features two conductors separated by an insulator. Voltage is sent to the capacitor to create a charge, the phantom power mentioned earlier. When sound waves hit the diaphragm in the microphone, it vibrates and causes a capacitance change, creating an electrical signal that goes through the internal amplifier. Then the signal is output through the microphone in the form of sound.

About condenser microphones

A condenser microphone is a type of microphone that utilizes a capacitor as a means to turn sound waves into electrical energy. These types of microphones will typically require more power, called phantom power, than other types of microphones. Most audio interfaces, such as recording consoles and mixing boards, will have this type of power. These microphones tend to be more sensitive than dynamic microphones, and they have a greater frequency response and transient response. They also have a louder output. A number of high quality condenser microphones are available today, and they tend to be a bit costlier to buy than a dynamic microphone.

Condenser Microphone Applications

  • Vocals
  • Acoustic guitars
  • Electric and bass guitars
  • Podcasting
  • Interviews

Condenser Microphone Manufacturers

Many companies today are making high quality condenser microphones. Some of the top brands on the market include:
  • Blue
  • Rode
  • AKG
  • MXL
  • Audio-Technica
  • Shure
  • Neumann
  • Behringer

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