Traffic Drums | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Traffic Drums

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Traffic Drum Description

When you are renting the barrels, the most important thing you will need to consider is just how many of them you will need in order to get the job done. They need to be close enough together that people don’t mistake a gap between the barrels for a place to turn, for example. Think about the scope of your project and then make sure you rent or lease enough of the traffic drums to keep your workers, and the drivers, as safe as possible. If you have a specific question about a triffic drum manufacturer or model, a KWIPPED supplier will more be more than happy to assist you.

Features of traffic drums

The traffic drums are in the familiar orange and white color pattern. This is because these are the colors people know and that they expect to see. Most of the traffic drums are stackable, meaning one will fit on top of another when you are not using them. This ensures they only take up a small amount of space while not in use. The drums also have a handle on top. This handle makes it nice and easy to carry to where you need to use them. However, it also has another benefit. It acts as a place to install barricade lights, which can help to increase the visibility even more.

How traffic drums work

traffic drum rentalThe traffic drums are very easy to use, and they work in a similar manner as the cones do. The user simply places these in the roadway, the parking lot, or any other area where they need to contain or direct traffic. The size of the barrels makes them easy to see, and they tend to command more respect than the cones. They may be useful in areas that have heavier amounts of traffic that you need to divert.

About traffic drums

A traffic drum, sometimes called a construction barrel, is a type of device used for traffic control. They are larger and easier to see than cones, and they can help to move traffic through construction areas, as well as to warn drivers about any upcoming roadwork. These have been popular in the field of construction and roadwork since the latter part of the 80s and the early 90s. They supplanted the older steel barrels that crews once used. These proved to be just as effective as and safer than the old methods were.

Traffic Drum Applications

  • Roadwork
  • Construction
  • Events

Traffic Drum Manufacturers

  • Road Tech
  • Work Area Protection Corp

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