Sand Barrels | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Sand Barrels

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23 Sand Barrel Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Sand Barrel Description

One of the most important things to remember is to think about the type of worksite you have. How large is the site? How much space is shared with vehicles? Depending on the nature of the project, you may need to have more or fewer sand barrels. Buy the proper amount to keep the structures and the workers as safe as possible. If you have a specific sand barrel manufacturer question, a KWIPPED supplier will be happy to assist you.

Features of sand barrels

sand barrel rentalThe sand barrels come in a number of different sizes so you can find the ones that will work the best for your particular situation. You will notice that the colors for the sand barrels tend to be yellow with a black lid or black stripes. The reason for this is simple. Those colors are the ones that most people associate with caution and danger on the roads. The lids of the barrels go on snugly once you’ve filled them with sand. Keep in mind that when the barrels are full of sand, they are extremely heavy and will be difficult to move.

How sand barrels work

You place sand in the barrels and then arrange them along the road to keep vehicles away from your workers and away from any structures on the site. It is possible to place the barrels in a number of different configurations to improve their effectiveness. Each of the barrels is rated for a specific weight, and you need to make sure that you fill those barrels up with the proper amount of sand. If you do not put enough sand into the barrels, you will discover that they are not as effective.

About sand barrels

Keeping your construction project and your workers safe is of utmost importance. The use of sand barrels to act as attenuators can be a huge help in this regard. By having sand barrels placed around the worksite, it becomes possible to keep everyone safer. It is important to make sure that the barrels you choose meet the safety requirements.

Sand Barrel Applications

  • Roadwork
  • Construction

Sand Barrel Manufacturers

  • TrafFix Devices, Inc.
  • John Thomas
  • PSS Plastic Safety Systems

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