Dump Trucks | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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Dump Trucks

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82 Dump Truck Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Dump Truck Description

The dump truck that you rent or lease will depend on how much material you need to haul and where you need to move the material. When loading a truck be aware of load limits on the roads to be travelled.  Truck sizes vary widely; choose the smallest size possible for easier maneuvering.  Then, consider which type of cab amenities you would like, including the types of controls that are best for you and your work site. 
If you need to transport material over uneven or soft terrain consider choosing an articulated dump truck rather than a standard dump truck.  Articulated dump truck rental or lease quotes can be requested by choosing “Articulated Dump Truck” in the “Heavy Equipment” section of this site.

Features of dump trucks

Dump trucks come in a wide variety of sizes.  The smallest are similar in size to passenger trucks and only hold around 3 tons.  The largest street-legal sizes are as big as semi-trucks and can hold up to 30 tons.  Non-street legal sizes hold considerably more, but cannot be driven on streets and highways.
Dump trucks come with control panels and monitors in the cab.  Different models will feature digital or analog gauges and status lights.  These gauges and lights will monitor the payload weight, tire pressure, hydraulics, engine and other parts of the truck.  Your KWIPPED network supplier will help you learn to read the gauges on your rented truck.  There will be a variety of buttons and levers to operate the individual parts of the dump truck; these will be accessible from the driver’s seat.  The engine and transmission will be accessible through panels on the outside of the cab in order to facilitate maintenance.
Cab specifications vary with plenty of options to fit your needs.  Noise reduction in the cab is a standard feature.  The driver’s chair will be positioned to allow for the smoothest ride possible.  Work lights, heated seat, cup holders, CD player and other amenities are available on various models.

How dump trucks work

Once you have loaded the material into the dump truck, you can drive it to any desired location, including on roads and highways.  Upon reaching the dump location, the hydraulic lift is operated via button or lever in the cab, and the front end of the truck box is lifted to release the material out the tail end of the truck. This motion is completed in less than a minute.  Ridges and contours in the bed hold the material being hauled to preserve balance.  Even large trucks maintain agility from the balanced weight distribution.

About dump trucks

Dump trucks are used to transport loose material to and from construction sites.  They are used to haul materials like dirt, gravel, sand, wood chips, and debris.  There are two components to the dump truck: the tractor and the trailer, also known as the cab and bed of the truck.  The bed is a large open box, hinged at the back, with hydraulic pistons attached to the front. The hydraulics lift the front end of the box and the material is released out of the back end of the truck bed/box.   Standard dump trucks have a truck chassis and are used on stable ground like roads and solid paths.

Dump Truck Applications

  • Construction
  • Landscape projects
  • Longer distance hauling

Dump Truck Manufacturers

  • Caterpillar
  • Daewoo
  • Kenworth
  • Mack Trucks
  • New Holland
  • Peterbilt
  • Volvo CE

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