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Crash Attenuators

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33 Crash Attenuator Suppliers
16 Top Equipment Lenders
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Crash Attenuator Description

Because there are so many different options when it comes to crash attenuators, you need to take some time to determine which one, or ones, will be right for you. Consider the size and duration of your project to help you determine which attenuators will be the top choice. Do you need to have a crash attenuator on the back of one of your vehicles? Do you only need them placed around the road where your employees will be working? Figure out the scope of your project, along with the actual layout.

Features of crash attenuators

There are many different types of crash attenuators available, and they all tend to be slightly different. Many of the ones available have a black and yellow color scheme, which are the colors that warn people of potential hazards on the roadways. The attenuators are made from a number of different materials, and most of them offer redirection as part of how they work. Some of the attenuators are very heavy, while others are much lighter.

How crash attenuators work

crash attenuator rentalThe goal of these devices is to absorb the kinetic energy of the vehicles that hit them. Some of the devices work by redirecting the vehicle away from the danger or hazard. This includes making them veer away from machinery and workers who are on the side of the road or in the road. They are very effective when they are placed in stationary locations. However, it is also possible to utilize a truck-mounted version of the device. These will typically go on the back of vehicles that have a higher chance of being hit from behind, such as maintenance vehicles.

About crash attenuators

A crash attenuator, also called an impact attenuator and a cowboy cushion, is a device used to reduce the damage to vehicles, structures, and people who are in an accident. They come in a variety of different designs. You can find these in use during road construction and other roadwork, as well as placed in front of a number of fixed structures around barriers on the freeway, and around overpass supports.

Crash Attenuator Applications

  • Road construction and maintenance
  • Road safety
  • Vehicle safety (snowplows, maintenance vehicles)

Crash Attenuator Manufacturers

  • TrafFix Devices, Inc.
  • Energy Absorption Systems, Inc.

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