So-Low Ultra Low Chest Freezer Laboratory Freezer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Ultra Low Chest Freezer, 3 Cu. Ft.

Product Specifications
MODEL  Ultra Low Chest Freezer
Ultra low freezers are a critical system for any lab. Whether your existing unit fails and you quickly need a replacement or you have a medical trial upcoming. Don’t go another day without an emergency plan for your -86 freezers.

* Capacity 3 cubic ft. / 83 liters
* Temperature Range -40C to -85C
* Dimensions
  • * Exterior W x D x H 34” x 27” x 47” 86 x 69 x 119 (cm)
  • * Interior W x D x H 24” x 12” x 18” 61 x 31 x 46 (cm)
  • Microprocessor control displays set point and chamber temperature.
  • The battery operated alarm system will emit an audible and visual signal when there is a mechanical or electrical failure. The alarm has an over and under temperature setting, alarm silencing switch, and battery test switch. Also provided is a relay for remote alarm hook-up.
  • A So-Low cascade system with two hermetic compressors. CFC & HCFC free refrigerants CONSTRUCTION Chamber is 14-ga. Zinc coated galvanized steel. Exterior is 16-ga. steel. Power coated cool gray

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