Thermo Scientific Barnstead Smart2Pure Water Purification System, 0.6L/minute

Thermo Scientific Barnstead Smart2Pure Water Purification System, 0.6L/minute
Product Specifications
BRAND  Thermo Fisher Scientific
MODEL  Barnstead
Lasting economy: Water purification progresses through independent cartridges with Aquastop quick connects for fast replacement. Module 1 offers a combination of pretreatment and the reverse osmosis membrane. Module 2 includes a polishing cartridge that contains high-quality ultrapure resin for consistent purity and long cartridge life. Easy-to-operate: Dispensing is easy and features variable speed to control flow. The display can be tilted for optimal reading. Optional UV bulb and UF ultrafilter are available to customize ultrapure water. Smart integrated 6L reservoir for the Smart2Pure 3 and 6: Constructed with pigment-free materials Conical bottom outlet for complete draining and efficient cleaning and disinfection

Manufacturer: Thermo
Voltage: 100-240V
ASTM Water Grade: Type 1 and Type 2
Features: Feedwater source: tap
Inlet Port Size: feedwater connector 3/4 inch
Inlet Pressure: 1-6 bar
Output Flow Rate: 0.6 liters / minute
Unit Dimensions: 545 x 305 x 400 mm

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