Self-Feeding Electric Start Wood Chipper w/Shredder | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Self-Feeding Electric Start Wood Chipper w/Shredder

Self-Feeding Electric Start Wood Chipper w/Shredder
A powerful shredder and chipper in one! The DR Power 21 Self Feeding Wood Chipper with Shredder can devour branches up to 5” in diameter, plus the self-feeding feature allows you to put a brank in the hopper and start getting your next branch ready without having to manually feed the branch into the hopper.
48 shredding hammers are sure shred yard waste up to 1.5” thick. This chipper shredder will be able to handle all of your jobs with ease, plus, with this model, highway towing comes standard, so now you can take your chipper with you anywhere you may need it!

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