DSLR Package Includes: Zoom Beamsplitter, 3D Assistant Observer & DSLR Adapter, choice Camera-Provide Type Additional Fee
The Seiler Evolution Zoom is a new zoom microscope that allows the user the ability to operate in a continuous magnification range of 3x-24x. The magnification and the motorized focus system are controlled by a set of control handles or a motorized foot pedal control. This allows the operator the freedom to control the magnification level with ease. In addition to the zoom magnification, the Evolution Zoom can be equipped with an X-Y System that gives the user the ability to control the optic pod positioning easily at high magnifications.
Objective lens: 200m — 400m
Eyepieces: 10x, 12.5x, and 20x
Field of vision: 14-70mm
Diopter setting: -6 to +6
Minimum Interpupillary Distance: 48 to 78mm for the Inclinable Binocular Head
Illumination field: 70mm
Dual halogen standard light source with LED display control panel
Illumination brightness in the working area at full power: 80,000 lux (min.)
0-200° Inclinable Head
Xenon (optional)
Vertical Working Height: minimum 0.70m and maximum 1.45m (without XY) (with XY Positioning system, minimum 0.67m and maximum 1.44m)
Microfocus vertical adjustment limit: 40mm.
Camera Not included in pkg
BRANDS:Canon EOS Series,Nikon D90 Series,Sony NEX 3/5,or Sony Handycam
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