PIE 532 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator with Loop Diagnostics | Rent, Finance, or Buy

PIE 532 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator with Loop Diagnostics

PIE 532 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator with Loop Diagnostics
The Practical Instrument Electronics (PIE) Model 532 is the best tool for calibration, test, and diagnosing process loops. The Model 532 brings all the features you would expect from a loop calibrator plus troubleshooting tools! Make adjustments with the EZ-Dial™ knob or test limits with the Dual Action EZ-Check™ switch. Powerful ramping functions are only a button away on the Model 532.

In Loop Diagnostic Mode, the loop current, voltage, impedance, AC voltage, and mode of operation are all displayed simultaneously eliminating the need of a DMM connection. Loop diagnostics is available in every mode of operation and truly is a diagnostic monitor, as parameters are continuously updated in real time. The smart diagnostic tool even indicates the most likely cause of loop failure! Loop Diagnostic features the ability to measure ground fault error caused by faulty wiring, flooded conduit and corrosion bridges.
  • 4 to 20 mA loop functions
  • Read and source voltage option
  • Full 5 digit display
  • Loop diagnostic
  • EZ-Dial Knob
  • EZ-Check Switch with EZ-Step Button
  • Hands-free auto step and auto ramp modes
  • Uses a standard 9V alkaline battery
  • 240 VAC tolerant
  • Lightweight and rugged with a solid feel
  • HART protocol compatibility mode

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