PIE 334Plus 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator | Rent, Finance, or Buy

PIE 334Plus 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator

  • Calibrate Milliamp Instruments
    Source 0.000 to 24.000 mA & -25.00 to 125.00% of 4-20 mA 
    Read 0.000 to 52.000 mA, -99.99 to 99.99 V
    Simulate 2-Wire Transmitters, Power & Read 2-Wire Transmitters 
    Selectable 250 W resistor for HART compatibility
  • Calibrate with confidence
    Accurate to ±0.025% of Span at 4.000 & 20.000 EZ-CHECK outputs
  • Easy-to-Read Display
    Turn on the backlight to read in dark areas of the plant
  • Locate Loop Current Leakages
    Measures ground current leakage from faulty wiring, flooded conduit and corrosion bridges.
    Automatic indication of Loop Current and Leakage Current.
  • Faster Calibrations
    Instantly select three outputs with EZ-CHECK switch Easily find trip points with two speed EZ-DIAL plus Automatic Stepping & Ramping
  • Includes Rubber Boot and Attached Test Leads
  • Optional Accessories
    AC Adaptor for 120 VAC (020-0101); AC Adaptor for 240 VAC (020- 0100)
    NiMh Batteries & Charger 120 VAC/12V DC (020-0103)

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