Multi-Amp / AVO / Biddle / Megger Epoch-10 Relay Test Set | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Multi-Amp / AVO / Biddle / Megger Epoch-10 Relay Test Set

Multi-Amp / AVO / Biddle / Megger Epoch-10 Relay Test Set
The Multi-Amp/Megger EPOCH-10 relay test set integrates advanced microprocessor- based technology with decades of experience in the application, design and manufacture of equipment for calibrating protective relays to provide an extremely accurate, versatile and easy-to-use relay test set.
Intended for field use at substations and power plants, the EPOCH-10 is a portable, lightweight and very rugged test set. Its versatility makes it ideal for use in the relay shop, in the test laboratory or on the production line.

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