Julabo CF41 Water Bath | Lease/Finance or Buy

Julabo CF Series of Cryo-Compact Circulators 5.5 Liter Stirred / Circulating Bath Hightech

Julabo CF Series of Cryo-Compact Circulators 5.5 Liter Stirred / Circulating Bath Hightech
Product Specifications
BRAND  Julabo
The new CF series offers compact refrigerated/heating circulators. With small overall dimensions the units can even be placed on a very small surface or within a complex installation. All models offer a heating capacity of 2 kW and safety class 3 according to DIN12876-1. The maximum ambient temperature of +40°C as well as ventilation air cooling allow installing the units very closely side by side with other units or directly under a fume hood. Furthermore all the models feature pump connections for external temperature applications and a bath opening for temperature control of small objects directly in the circulator bath. Wetted parts are made of high quality stainless steel or plastic. The instruments provide reliable Microprocessor electronics with high temperature stability as well as warning and safety functions.

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