Fault Wizard IUP Corp. Fault Wizzard Fault Location System LAN & Cable Tester | Lease/Finance or Buy

IUP Corp. Fault Wizzard Fault Location System

IUP Corp. Fault Wizzard Fault Location System
Product Specifications
BRAND  Fault Wizard
MODEL  IUP Corp. Fault Wizzard Fault Location System
The Fault Wizard is a truly portable, relatively inexpensive, and user-friendly fault location system for primary underground cable. The system is based on the new automated arc-reflection technology (AART) developed by IUP. The display shows the distance in feet or meters to the fault location. The display also shows the fault type (open or short), the battery voltage, the velocity of propagation setting, the charge voltage, and whether the system is armed for waveform storage for retrieval and viewing on a computer (desktop or laptop) by utilizing the Fault Wizard Software. However, as stated before, viewing of the waveforms is not required since the Fault Wizard gives an automatic readout of distance to the fault location. Since the system is battery operated, it can be used in remote locations. 

The Fault Wizard will shoot through transformers and will locate faults up to 10,000 feet. Therefore, the Fault Wizard is great for faulted-cable section isolation. The impulse voltage is variable, which allows low-voltage pulsing and minimum damage to cables. The system has a cycle mode for use in pinpointing the fault with a headset listening device. However, the Fault Wizard has sufficient power to often be felt and heard above ground.

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