Graphtec GL-900 8 Channel Datalogger | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Graphtec GL-900 8 Channel Datalogger

Graphtec GL-900 8 Channel Datalogger
Main Features
  • GL900 has a 5.7" color LCD display
  • Built-in Ethernet 100Tx and USB 2.0 interfaces
  • Accepts voltages, thermocouples and humidity
  • 8 channels
  • Voltage input levels: 20mV to 500V F.S.
  • Thermocouple input types: B, R, S, T, N, K, W, E, J
  • Continuous battery charge during operation
  • 256MB internal flash memory
  • Includes 4 pulse logic inputs, 1 trigger input
  • Includes 4 x alarm outputs
  • Compact data logger footprint (232mm x 150mm x 80mm)
  • Includes Windows software for setup, control, data transfer, data conversion to ASCII and Excel formats, and on-screen data review with cursors

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