Arizona Instruments Jerome J405 Portable Mercury Vapor Analyzer

Arizona Instruments Jerome J405 Portable Mercury Vapor Analyzer
BRAND  Arizona Instruments
The Jerome J405 portable mercury vapor analyzer is useful in disposal and recycling, hazardous waste sites, mercury exclusion testing, spill response monitoring, and worker safety. This product is accepted by EPA and ATSDR for cleanup uses in low-level mercury situations. It features industry-proven, inherently stable and reliable gold film sensor technology and simple, one-button operation. The datalogging feature automatically time/date stamps results, which can be output to a PC using the USB port.
  • Detection range of 0.5 to 999 ug/m3
  • Data logging up to 20,000 data points
  • Display with a tall character readout, battery charge indicator, and sensor saturation percentage
  • Alarm when mercury level is exceeded
  • Functional Test Kit (FTK) verifies instrument functions correctly between recommended annual factory calibrations.
  • SCADA interface capabilities via 4-20 mA, USB serial data to PC
  • Rechargeable battery that lasts for 18 hours or it can be operated using AC power supply/charger

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